Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Day One- June 4, 2008

Some call it poor man's food, I call it the PI diet. 
Foto number 1-

In my house, we have a 4-cup rice cooker that is cooking all day, every day. It is kind of funny because I am white but have not really grown up eating American food. When I was around eight, I remember I was over visiting a friend that was Thai. That sleep over changed my entire diet. I found that American food was not all it was cracked up to be after all. Being I was raised in the hollar (short for sticks, the county, boon docks), I only knew fried southern food up until I was eight. After that it was noodles, rice, pork, spring rolls, and more. Long and behold I do not marry American either, LOL, so my taste in food has been and always will be NON American. That is not to say that I do not eat or cook American, just it is not the top of my food chain choice. 

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