Ever heard that saying, "I am going to pay my 'haters' bills today? Well I try to live by that saying. There are a lot of haters that will prevent you from becoming what your true calling is. They may tell you that you are not good enough, or maybe that you are not smart enough. Reality is that we all have talents. Sometimes we have to fall flat to find them, but trust me, they are there. I have found in my life that I have worked tons of dead end jobs and was not sure what I was meant to do with my life. I have questioned my purpose a million times. I have come to learn that questioning gives arise to future ideas and that can then arise to future moves. So with today passing as I sit at the job that I constantly question, I will just think positive thoughts and pay my haters bill today.
Hazel, should you read this, you are strong and so forth with what you strive to be, a lawyer. Test and test until your hand falls off. Lisa, pray hard to find what you want to do once you have both of your girls settled, you are still young and have tons of time to take out with them and take the time to think things through. Aries, do not worry about cruises and times away, we will love you even more once you return. Do not worry that you have to deal with low morale and inequality standards, as you are there to pass time. Once you retire you can do anything your heart desires. And for myself, I am going to keep pushing. I am going to apply for Grad school and I will succeed. I will no longer be in the IT industry where I feel overwhelmed and under appreciated. Today marks a change for all of us.